We all live in the illusion of living free...why I am calling it a illusion? Because I don’t think we are free. We are not free from bureaucracy, from greed, from hatred, from corruption, from nepotism, from hunger, from war, from religion and above all fear. We all still live with all the above stated vices in the society. Most of us have grown up with all of them and have seen so much hatred and atrocities on fellow human beings that cannot really feel free. I still get pangs of anxiety thinking about people who die every day because they don't even get one meal a day whereas there are so many who throw away food on a daily basis.
Freedom for me is eradicating all the vices and feeling happy and protected in our own homes. Freedom can be interpreted in different ways. For a woman who cannot even decide what she wants to wear, freedom means to choose her own clothes. For a person who cannot take up a job due to caste restrictions, freedom is to choose a job of his own choice. For a person who cannot marry someone he/she loves, freedom is to marry at will. For someone who has been hungry for days, freedom is to just get a bite of bread.
Freedom is not only removing vices from our lives and society, it also means that we should broaden our own thinking and respect each others freedom. We are fighting over oil, over land, over religion and so many other things. It is inhuman to kill others just because they are not like you. On a daily basis we hear about hate crimes based on sexual orientation, religion, caste and every distinction that we human have created. God never intended us to be different from each other. He created all of us equal and we have divided and alienated each other.
I know I cannot change the world and cannot even change the society that I live in but I will be free when I can atleast change myself!!!